Creative Boost Sessions
In Need of a Recharge Life is demanding. Staying productive and healthy can be a struggle at the best of times, but during the pandemic,

All Work No Play
Creativity is intelligence having fun Einstein In Serious Need of a Recharge Life is demanding. Staying productive and healthy can be a struggle at

Facilitation Skills for Writers – Online Irish Writers Centre Course
Facilitation, like writing, is both a skill and an art. The skill comes from learning the fundamentals of teaching; a thorough knowledge of our subject;

Team Coaching Certificate
If you’re a qualified coach looking to build a firm foundation for coaching teams, Liz Barron and I will be delivering this programme for the third

Salmon’s Christmas Online Coaching Clinic
Gift yourself a 30 minute slot with the purchase of two Salmon titles. Grab the chance to be coached around all things poetry, whilst filling

Spoon It Into Ye – Online Poetry Workshop
Feeling depleted and in need of a pick-me-up? Put your cares aside for a few short hours and immerse yourself in the reading and writing